March 22 – From Christmas to Spring

March 22 – From Christmas to Spring

December, as always, is a rather busy month for us. We host our wreath making workshops that so many of you love and attend various Christmas markets selling our jams and chutneys. We hosted 6 wreath workshops and had some great feedback from attendees which we’re hoping to implement with this year’s events. During the Maghull artisan Christmas market we sold our entire stock of jam!

“t was such fun learning a new skill, being creative and making friends” – From wreath making workshop 2022

For Christmas celebrations at North Park Community Garden we gathered together to eat chips, do a festive quiz, sing some carols and laugh about what a year we had. Through the ups and downs of 2022 our gardeners have always given us support and encouragement to each other, we couldn’t be more proud of them. 6 gardeners who attend the garden regularly have undergone volutter training so they can help run our weekly sessions. We now have 6 volunteers who are skilled at helping out and assisting in running our sessions in the park. 

“I never hear laughter anywhere else like I do here – the main thing I love about this place is the laughter” – Volunteer M

We’re still working hard behind the scenes to get our container kitchen planned and ready for 2023. Although we feel somewhat out of our depth, each step we take is bringing us closer to opening our doors to you. In December our electricity was installed, water was connected in February and our container will be arriving by April so there’s no stopping us now! We are still trying to locate funds to fully furnish and equip the kitchen with the tools we need to run so please continue to support by sharing our social media posts and by buying jams from us.

Spring is creeping up on us, you’ve probably spotted your own signs of daffodils and crocuses blooming in the wild around you. At the garden we’ve been planting bulbs and sowing seeds for the growing season ahead of us. The poly tunnel has been incredibly helpful in giving us a head start at sowing what we need rather than waiting until the British weather brightens up. This year we’re hoping to sell various plants and seedlings to give you a hand with your own garden at home and simultaneously support our fundraising for the kitchen! Please do get in touch if there’s any vegetable seedlings you’d be interested in buying from us.

Love from,

Team Gateway

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